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Contacting Covington School

Covington School Website:
Covington School Office Phone:   650-947-1100
Covington School Address: 205 Covington Rd, Los Altos, CA 94024
To report a student absence: Call 650-947-1101 OR Email

Information Sources:

Text Messaging System: You can participate in this free service just by sending a text message of “Y” or “Yes” to our school’s short code number, 67587. You can also opt out of these messages at any time by simply replying to one of our messages with “Stop”. SchoolMessenger is compliant with the Student Privacy Pledge, so you can rest assured that your information is safe and will never be given or sold to anyone.

By opting in, you will are giving permission to the school to send messages to your phone via text.  We would only use text messaging for urgent messages or reminders.


Important Events

PTA Back to School Picnic 
The PTA Picnic is Monday evening before the first day of school, from 5pm - 7pm.  Bring your own food or there are food trucks.  PTA has a Welcome table for new families.  T-Shirts are for sale.  Class Assignments are posted.  A fun, end-of-summer, community event.

First Day of School
Bring a mind ready to learn!
Except Kindergartners, all students line up on the blacktop at their classroom lines when the 8:27am bell rings.  Covington begins each day as a community with a daily flag assembly (rain cancels).
  • Where to go: We have a brief flag assembly on the blacktop every day.  Parents are welcome to attend.  Students line up by class and after the assembly, walk into class with their teacher.
  • What time to arrive: The playground opens at 8:10am.  No students should arrive earlier as there is no supervision.
  • Drop off/pick up process, including where to park: Walking & biking to school is encouraged for those who live nearby.  If not, you can drive and park in the school lot, the back of St. William Church (adjacent to the kinder playground) or at Rosita Park right next door.
  • Covington’s PTA provides school supplies for every student on the first day of school.

PTA Coffee/Volunteer Sign-ups 
First Friday of School, 8:30am-9:30am.  Enjoy coffee with other Covington parents and sign-up for various classroom and school-wide volunteer opportunities.

Back to School Night (BTSN)
Parents-only event to meet your child’s teacher, and learn about their class goals, teaching style, & methods. Most classes have some sign up opportunities for classroom volunteers & field trip chaperones during this evening.

Specific Information for Kindergarten Parents
At drop off time go to the kindergarten playground. You will say goodbye to your child when they line up for class. The teacher will meet your children on the playground. The first three and a half weeks of kindergarten, the students are dismissed at 12:00 noon and do not eat lunch at school.

Most students bring a snack and water bottle for morning recess.


Bell Schedule

Grades M, T, W, F start M, T, W, F end Thurs. start Thurs. end
TK 8:45am 2:45pm 8:45am 1:30pm
Kindergarten 8:30am 2:30pm 8:30am 1:15pm
Grades 1 - 2 8:30am 2:40pm 8:30am 1:25pm
Grades 3 - 6 8:30am 3:00pm 8:30am 1:45pm


Back to School Donations

To make your Back to School Donations, visit: LINK COMING SOON.  You may also purchase a la carte "spirit items" to support Covington programs, if you'd like, using the links below:

Frequently Asked Questions

How do kids get to school? Bike? School Bus?
Students walk, bike or are driven by parents/caregivers. LASD does not have school buses. Children can ride their bikes. There is a bike cage at the front of the school on Covington Road near the kindergarten playground, and one cage at the side entrance of the school near Rosita Park/Champions. Bikes should be locked during the school day. The bike cages themselves are not locked. For routes to school, see Safe Routes to School map.

Where do I go (by grade) to pick up / meet my child at the end of school day? (For Kinders as well?)
Kinder pick up: by the gate between Room 2 & Room 3
1st-2nd grade pick up: at the front of the school, by the central corridor.
3rd-5th grade pick up: at the front of the school, by the multi
Parents are not allowed to walk to the classroom door or wait on the school premises beyond the school office.
Where can I park?
Places to park: the school parking lot, the back of St William’s Church by the kinder playground and Rosita park. If you circle the school parking lot, NEVER get out of your car. You must keep pulling forward to avoid causing a back up.
How do I reach other parents in the class?

ClassroomParent (CP) is the secure online directory solution used by the Los Altos School District.  You control your privacy settings and may choose to make some or all of your information public or private.


CP is an all in one web-based, easy-to us, mobile-friendly application that supports your PTA organization.  This application is a parent directory and so much more.  It is also a tool to easily communicate via email or text to the entire school or a particular grade-level or classroom.

Where can I find out about child care options?
Disclaimer: We do not recommend any programs, just provide information.

Our on-site after school provider is Champions. Please contact them directly regarding space availability and rates: or (650) 559-7900.

Club J
Some families use the off-site provider: Club J at Palo Alto JCC. They provide transportation from Covington to the Palo Alto JCC Club J. You can contact them at or (650) 223-8625.

Way to Go Spanish Immersion at Los Alto Christian School
phone: (408) 829-2460
Transportation from Covington

Safari Kids Mountain View
phone: (650) 282-5930
email address:
Transportation from Covington

Lola & Friends Home Based After School Program
phone: (650) 526-2305
Transportation from Covington

Where can I find out about/sign up for after school activities?
What is the dress code?
The school dress code is based on safety, good taste and appropriateness. Generally speaking, dress that is disruptive to school is not allowed. References to guns, alcohol, drugs or other inappropriate themes should not be worn on clothes. All school policies including wellness, dress code, etc are found on our School Policies page.
Do students wear uniforms and change for PE? What do they need for PE days?
No uniforms for PE. Closed toe shoes are required on PE days and recommended for every school day for student safety. Your child's teacher will share with his/her students their class's PE schedule at the start of the year.
Does my child need to bring a water bottle to school?
Students bring their personal water bottles to school. All teachers allow access to water during class.
If I bring a lunch or any other item to my student after the bell rings, where do I drop it off?
All forgotten items should be brought to the school office.
What is InfoSnap?
An InfoSnap Letter was emailed to you at the beginning of school or when you registered. InfoSnap online registration needs to be completed for each student every year. Current phone numbers and addresses as well as Emergency contacts are very important to have in our database.
What is the Smarter Balanced Assessment?
Also known as SBAC testing, these state-mandated assessments are given to students grades 3 through 6 in the late spring (April/May). The Smarter Balanced Assessment system utilizes computer-adaptive tests and performance tasks that allow students to show what they know and are able to do. This system is based on the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) for English language arts/literacy (ELA) and mathematics.
What communication should I expect from the school/child’s class prior to the first day of school?
It varies by teacher and grade level. After the first day of school, teachers routinely send out classroom newsletters that explain the learning that is taking place in their classrooms as well as other important information.
What are the homework expectations?
It varies by teacher and grade level. Generally speaking, there is no homework in Kindergarten. Beginning in 1st grade, students do receive some homework, roughly about 20 minutes per night. As students move up through the grade levels, homework increases. Teachers design homework to be practice or review for students.
When are parent-teacher conferences, and what should I expect?
Parent-teacher conferences are the Monday and Tuesday preceding Thanksgiving. Students do not have school on those days. Your student's teacher will go over the 1st trimester progress report and answer questions you may have.
What about instruments for 5th & 6th graders?
The music teachers have an assembly in the first few days of school for 5th & 6th graders to explain the options for music instruction.
Who do I notify if my child is going to be late or absent from school?
Call the attendance line, 650-947-1101, or email Attendance policies are found on this page.
Information about allergies and the nurse:
When is the nurse at school? How do I give them medications? Is someone there familiar with diabetes and issues surrounding insulin etc?
The schedule of the school nurses varies depending on needs. Any Health Questions, including food allergy policies, medical conditions and medication policies: you should contact LASD Health Services
Is there a special table for nut free eating?
Covington has “nut free” tables located in each eating area where students with nut allergies can sit. No nut products of any kind are allowed at the “nut free” tables and are routinely patrolled to ensure that. Kindergarten, including classrooms and lunch tables, are a completely nut free zone.
Can my child carry an EpiPen in their backpack for after school activities?
Is there food in classrooms? Will I be notified of food in the classroom in advance so I can prepare an alternative for my food allergic child?
What is Field Day? (TBD)
The last Friday before school is out for the summer, the students play organized games on the blacktop & field. Many parents volunteer at this event. The day concludes with a 6th graders vs. the staff water balloon volleyball game. 
What is the Walk-a-thon? (TBD)
Usually, the 2nd Saturday in October is the date of the Walk-a-thon. Every LASD elementary school PTA hosts a Walk-a-thon, a long-distance walk organized as a fundraising event. More importantly, the Walk-a-thon serves as a community wide event, where all Covington families can join together for a day of fun.
What key dates should I put in my calendar now? Back to school night, Halloween party, field day, walk a thon, auction, book sale, etc.
All events are on the Covington School website google calendar, located on the home page in the Calendar section.
What sports activities are available?
Some after school sports are part of the PTA sponsored enrichment offerings. See the After School Programs page for more info.
Ways to Be Involved at Covington (and where to get more info…)
  • Join PTA and volunteer for a PTA position
  • Attend a fundraising party
  • Join an after school club (Howler newsletter)
  • Be a classroom volunteer (ask your child’s teacher)
  • Join Girl Scouts
  • Join Boy Scouts

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